Dubai-based IFAs reveal their outlook for 2016

Industry consolidation, moves away from commission income and a greater focus on financial planning are all on the horizon for 2016, according to four top Dubai-based financial advisers.


The changes sweeping the financial advisory market in Dubai are likely to gather pace in 2016 as competition pressures and greater transparancy drive consolidation across the industry, according to Globaleye’s Tim Searle.

There are also more expats likely to arrive in the Gulf region which, Killik Offshore’s Sarah Lord says, is likely to drive demand for such things as more flexible savings plans on offshore platforms.

Ashok Sardana of Continental Financial Services sees a drive for greater client education on the need to save more and invest in bigger life insurance policies.

While Sean Kelleher of Mondial says he is planning a move towards paying salaries and bonuses for 2016, as part of shift in his business model.


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