the czech republic learns to trust

The Czech Republic’s trust law is only 16 days old‚ but already‚ wealth managers there and elsewhere are keen to learn more about it. Here‚ five Czech-based experts who were involved in advising on its creation discuss its features‚ attractions‚ and some lingering questions that have yet to be resolved.


On the 1st of January 2014, trusts, as they are known to financial planners across much of Europe and elsewhere in the world, became available to wealth planners in the Czech Republic, following a change in Czech law.

Trusts have, of course, existed for hundreds of years, almost exclusively, at least until recently, as a uniquely Anglo-Saxon wealth-protection tool.

Their use is as valid today as it was back in the days of the Magna Carta. Nevertheless, they remain a little-understood concept in certain countries that have a history of civil law, as opposed to common law, such as France and Switzerland.