crown dependency chief ministers in pow-wow

The chief ministers of Jersey‚ Guernsey and the Isle of Man are to meet tomorrow and Friday in a “trilateral meeting” of a type that officials of the three jurisdictions say are being seen as increasingly important.

crown dependency chief ministers in pow-wow


The IoM’s chief minister, Allan Bell, will host the gathering in Douglas, which will be attended by Jersey’s chief minister, senator Ian Gorst, and Guernsey’s chief minister, deputy Peter Harwood.

In a statement on the Isle of Man Government’s website, Bell acknowledged that the three islands have “many issues in common, particularly on the international front”, which made the sharing of views and experiences useful to all concerned.

“‘During a period of major external changes affecting the Crown Dependencies, it is vitally important that we keep talking to each other, and work together wherever possible,” he added.

Gorst said the three heads of state agreed that tomorrow and Friday's meeting would follow on from a previous one that had taken place in Jersey last November, during the British Irish Council summit.

"Since then there have been developments in a number of areas of common interest, including changes at the [UK] Ministry of Justice, and it is important that we address these issues with our counterparts from Guernsey and the Isle of Man,” Gorst added.

Issues of mutual interest which are to be discussed are said to include a recent Justice Select Committee report on the Crown Dependencies’ relationship with the Ministry of Justice; public sector reform and modernisation; and tax and financial matters.