coral student portfolio invests 60m in global fund

Coral Student Portfolio has partnered with overseas family office firm Capital Values Group to make a $60m phased investment to a $200m fund.

coral student portfolio invests 60m in global fund


This gives Coral Student Portfolio exposure to the international expansion plans of Capital Values Group (CVG) as it invests in new markets such as Dubai and Dublin.

CVG already has established operations in Australia and Central London with over 2,500 operational beds and 5,000 secured and in development.

John Kennedy, CEO of Coral Portfolio said this was a “global initiative” and that the UK accommodation model was being exported overseas by aligning with a very experienced industry operator.

CVG was formed in 2008 by Nicholas Porter, the founder, former chief   and deputy chairman of the UNITE Group. UNITE started in 1991 and established the asset class for student accommodation in the UK.

Coral Portfolio was formed in 2008 by a group of industry professionals, including John Kennedy and Lawrence Frampton, with extensive experience in the fields of student accommodation and real estate investment gained from senior positions in the UK and overseas.

In advance of this latest investment, Coral Portfolio has exposure to more than 30,500 student beds across the UK.

To read about how Generali International has added a range of Luxembourg Sicav student accommodation funds to its unit linked funds platform, click here