Multi-asset solutions point the way ahead

Harnessing the strength of financial markets can be a powerful way of growing your wealth. But to do so, clients need to have the confidence to invest over the long term.

Multi-asset solutions point the way ahead


At Old Mutual International, we believe portfolios should be designed to provide precisely this confidence. And key to achieving this trust to invest over the long term is matching investments to a level of risk with which clients feel comfortable. This means clients can make informed decisions about their investments, with a better understanding of the relationship between risk and potential return.

And it goes without saying that the experience and expertise of the investment manager with whom you entrust your clients’ money is of paramount importance, too.


As part of Old Mutual Wealth, we are able to tap into the highly regarded investment capabilities within Old Mutual Wealth’s Investment Division; this comprises Old Mutual Global Investors (OMGI), the award-winning asset manager, and Quilter Cheviot (QC), the market-leading investment manager with a heritage that can be traced back to 1771.

The multi-asset unit, run by co-investment directors Anthony Gillham and Ben Mountain, has stellar depth and breadth of talent – with more than 300 years of combined investment experience. The team is a true partnership of equals, bringing together two clearly complementary skillsets. QC boasts excellence in fund research, as well as portfolio management through its managed portfolio service. OMGI brings outstanding experience in managing multi-asset funds using a diverse range of asset classes, as well as its own managed portfolio service offering.


The multi-asset investment team within Old Mutual Wealth’s Investment Division runs portfolios, designed in collaboration with advisers, clients and fund rating agencies, which aim to meet the needs of clients all the way through their investment journeys. Whether in the phase of accumulating assets or spending in retirement, the team is readily equipped to guide investors on these often confusing and daunting paths. It is worth noting that some funds may not be available in your region; you should visit the Old Mutual International website to find out more.

When clients consider whether to invest in financial markets, two objectives are usually at the front of their minds: to invest their money to achieve a specific goal, such as funding retirement or a child’s university education; and to understand the risk involved in any investment.


We designed the Compass portfolios to help clients meet these objectives. They are aimed at enabling clients to put the right amount of risk on the table in order to have the confidence to remain invested over the long term to meet those goals. As such, the range is designed to function much like the instrument after which it is named: helping investors stay on course by offering them greater clarity on their financial journeys.

The portfolios have four key characteristics. They are risk-targeted, providing investors with a clear idea of what to expect from the outset, as risk can translate into certain levels of out and under-performance. They are also unconstrained – the portfolios are globalised in their asset allocation as they have been designed with international investors in mind, and they are available in a range of currencies.

The portfolios are actively managed, both through implementation of tactical asset allocation views in the portfolio and through their holdings of actively managed funds, bespoke fund mandates and directly held securities. Finally, they are genuinely diversified. We achieve this by investing across a wide swathe of asset classes, including alternatives, to help mitigate the unpredictability of markets.