clients take rdr on the chin

Clients are less concerned about the RDR than advisers as more than double the proportion of advisers remain negative towards the legislation than clients.

clients take rdr on the chin


According to a report from NMG Consulting, just 20% of clients have reacted negatively to the changes, compared to 43% of advisers.

Pessimism among the adviser population has decreased however, as half said they had been negative towards the legislation prior to it becoming law.

The report found 26% of clients had reacted positively to the changes introduced by the RDR, and 67% of advisers stated they had not lost any clients as a result of adviser charging.

Significant client loss has, however, been an issue for a small proportion of advisers as 7% stated they had lost more than 10 clients. 

Client loss has been more concentrated among advisers that have been negative towards the legislation since the outset, as 11% of pessimists losing more than 10 clients compared to 3% of optimists.

Half of advisers expected RDR compliance to be onerous, and of these respondents 48% said their expectation had been accurate and a further 38% stated meeting the requirements was more challenging than expected.

The role of some participants has changed as a consequence of RDR, as 10% of advisers and paraplanners have decided to advise solely on mortgages, general insurance or protection or move into a non-advised management role.

Yesterday we revealed the impact of the RDR on adviser numbers – find out more here.