cisi introducing ethics tests for members

The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment is introducing mandatory integrity and ethics tests for all its members, as part of its commitment to promote high standards in financial services.

cisi introducing ethics tests for members


The Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment is introducing mandatory integrity and ethics tests for all its members, as part of its commitment to promote high standards in financial services.

Eventually, it said, all members at both the MCSI [Member Chartered Securities Institute] and FCSI [Fellow of the Chartered Securities Institute] levels must obtain a “grade A pass” in the Institute’s IntegrityMatters online ethics test.

Nearly 5,800 of CISI’s 40,000 members have already taken the test (of which 90% passed), which is based on ethical dilemmas in the workplace, the accreditation organisation said.

Passage of the test is already a requirement for CISI’s individual Chartered status.

As a first stage, CISI members seeking to retain their CISI status will be required to undertake and, by 31 March 2013, pass the Integrity & Ethics unit of the organisation’s Professional Refresher elearning tool.

This course is provided free of charge to members, and studying the module counts as CPD hours, CISI said.
Subsequently, existing MCSIs and FCSIs will be required, beginning next year, to take and pass with an A grade the IntegrityMatters test by the end of the 2013/14 subscription year.

More information may be found in the Integrity and Ethics section of CISI’s website.

Based in the City of London, CISI has representative offices in such global financial centres as Dublin, Singapore, Dubai, Mumbai and Colombo.  

With its 40,000  worldwide membership, the CISI is the professional body which sets examinations and offers qualifications for those working, or looking to establish a career in, the securities and investment industry.