Charles Stanley unveils ‘hybrid advice’ proposition

To tackle ‘misinformation and confusing financial jargon’ online and on social media


UK investment manager Chares Stanley has rolled out a solution for adults looking to access “expert financial guidance” in a more affordable way.

The firm said that often people have questions and concerns about their finances, especially when they reach key life stages, such as having a child, retire or the death of a loved one.

Its ‘hybrid advice’ offering, called OneStep, aims to “guide and inform clients” via four modules liked to different life stages:

  • Financial health check – an overview of people’s current finances and what they can do for their future;
  • Pension savings plan – to see if their savings are on track to provide them with the retirement they desire;
  • Retirement plan – what can be done with one’s pension pot once they reach retirement; and
  • Inheritance tax (IHT) plan – a calculation of any potential IHT liabilities and what can be done to pass on a greater portion of wealth to their loved ones.

Clients will pay a fixed, one-off fee to access a “structured process” which includes online tools, guides, and time with a financial planner to review their personal circumstances, Charles Stanley said.

They will also have a series of online meeting with a financial adviser to discuss their goals, challenges, and what options they have.

OneStep is only open the firm’s clients but will be made available to the wider market from May 2022.

A spokesperson for the investment manager told International Adviser customers will be charged £750 ($990, €900) + VAT for each module.

Tackling the advice gap

Lisa Caplan, director of foundation financial planning at Charles Stanley, said: “At what is a difficult and uncertain time for adults all over the country, there is a risk that the advice gap will continue to grow.

“People are either disenfranchised, don’t know where to start, at an advice event crossroad, or feel priced out. This is exacerbated by an increasing raft of misinformation and confusing financial jargon online and on social media. We are particularly focused on the growing market that is post-Google but pre-planning.

“People often feel stressed, don’t know where to turn and don’t see themselves as wealthy enough for a service they feel is designed for the super-rich.

“This service is a first step for people who need hands on guidance with the reassurance of a professional to talk to. It offers a digital and convenient service, without losing the human touch of talking through individual circumstances. The aim is to help more people to get the advice they need and support them to reach their future goals.”


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