Challenging the status quo of an ‘outdated industry’

As independent chartered financial planners and an Investors in People ‘champion’ firm, we aim to defy traditional approaches within the cross border financial marketplace, says Sam Instone, chief executive of AES International.

Challenging the status quo of an ‘outdated industry’


Just as teachers, doctors, civil servants, journalists and engineers are vocational professionals; we are also deeply committed to both the service of our clients and the overall improvement of our market. 

We therefore fully support recent legislative changes in Europe, Asia and the Middle East region; our own commitment to the transformation of a sometimes toxic industry into a worthwhile profession is clearly in tune with the wider political agenda.

Creating this new model continues to absorb a lot of our time and effort. 

We are very are fortunate that unlike many organisations our average age is in the early 30’s meaning our planning cycles can be measured in decades not in months. 

Our enthusiasm for the next generation of advisory firm and the market changes we are going to witness cannot be greater and we know that keeping our clients’ best interests at the heart of everything we do will safeguard our own role in this exciting future.