Profiles & Comment

  • Just how transparent will DFMs get

    Just how transparent will DFMs get

    The news yesterday that Financial Express has launched a service allowing financial advisers to compare DFM model portfolios is another welcome move in the quest for greater transparency across the sector.

  • Castlestone Buy-Write Strategy

    Castlestone Buy-Write Strategy

    Castlestone’s Equity High Yield & Premium Income Fund strategy focuses on low volatility. Defensive stocks that pay high dividends and this has proved to be successful since launch.

  • Will the NO campaign tax proposals for Scotland

    Will the NO campaign tax proposals for Scotland

    United against the common enemy of an independent Scotland, the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders have been joined by former prime minister Gordon Brown and others in promising more tax-raising powers for Scotland if voters reject independence in the forthcoming referendum. What impact will these promises have?

  • The expats champion Asset allocator with

    The expats champion Asset allocator with

    Sanlam CIO Richard Champion says the companys expanding international reach is matched by its consistent offering on a local level.

  • The Alchemist Profile of Ian Heslop

    The Alchemist Profile of Ian Heslop

    With a PhD in medicinal chemistry and OMGI’s Ian Heslop is used to analytical thinking a skill which no doubt helped his own transition from the scientific study of matter into the equally scientific world of finance.

  • Europe is structured corruption

    Europe is structured corruption

    Last week, International Adviser asked whether there was any scope for an international consortium, or trade body, for financial advisers. This is a response from Vincent Derruder, honorary chairman of European trade body, FECIF

  • Is there a place for an international association

    Is there a place for an international association

    When I speak to financial advisers, whether based in the UK, Europe, Asia or the Middle East, it doesnt take long, once the usual complaints about the other guys have dried up, for the conversation to turn to regulation.

  • Hard work will reap rewards

    Hard work will reap rewards

    With FATCA now a reality for millions of foreigners residing in the US and American expats abroad, laying the groundwork for an effective cross-border response has been essential.

  • Cutting to the chase

    Cutting to the chase

    Having sold off its non-core businesses, Chase de Vere is free to focus on what it does best – offering holistic, independent advice for its corporate and private clients

  • The recent selloff  passing shower

    The recent selloff passing shower

    UBS strategist, Matthew Richards discusses five pressing questions in light of the recent market sell-off.

  • Platform view - Be prepared

    Platform view – Be prepared

    With financial crime at the forefront of many investors; worries when dealing with sensitive data online; the security of a platform is of huge concern while maintaining functionality, says Sarah Jouhal, managing director of Praemium International

  • new model army axa

    new model army axa

    Axa Wealth International managing director Mike Foy discusses the highlights of his time in the role so far, proactively adapting to a rapidly changing regulatory environment and proving the critics wrong