Profiles & Comment

  • navigating offshore waters

    navigating offshore waters

    A race is under way in the international investment platform space to become established as one of the still-nascent industry’s key players, Helen Burggraf reports.

  • a premium on time a profile of convoy financial

    a premium on time a profile of convoy financial

    Convoy chief executive Rosetta Fong explains to Mark Battersby how the company has grown from a firm of just ten in 1993 to more than 1,500 advisers now.

  • weekly currency update we 25th may 2012

    weekly currency update we 25th may 2012

    The euro continues to tumble as euro bonds are mooted yet again, while sterling also losses to the safe haven US dollar. Moneycorp takes you through last weeks currency ups and downs.

  • the psychology of protection

    the psychology of protection

    The way something is explained can make a huge difference to how it is perceived, says Guardian Wealth Managements David Howell.

  • weekly currency update w e 18th may 2012

    weekly currency update w e 18th may 2012

    Sterling finally bowed to pressure last week as problems in the eurozone continue to persist, while the Euro itself, having fallen far already, could fall further. Here Moneycorp takes you through the biggest stories in currency.

  • growth under fire - a profile of Malaysia

    growth under fire – a profile of Malaysia

    Having demonstrated its resilience time and again, Will Jackson finds Malaysia is bouncing back from the Asian currency crisis and the global financial downturn.

  • the offshore advisers a to z

    the offshore advisers a to z

    In the first of a two-part series, Standard Life Internationals Julie Hutchison, takes us through A to L of the hot topics affecting international clients.

  • weekly currency update  we  11th may 2012

    weekly currency update we 11th may 2012

    Sterling hits a three year high against a damaged euro, while many other currencies also feel the impact of continuing eurozone turmoil. Moneycorp takes you through last weeks currency stories.

  • in the spirit of cooperation

    in the spirit of cooperation

    Generali Internationals Nick Griffin talks to Mark Battersby about how the major regions and a spirit of cooperation have contributed to sales success throughout the course of the year.

  • knowing the market

    knowing the market

    Sean Kelleher, chief executive of Mondial Dubai, talks to Simon Danaher about how putting together a multicultural team geared towards serving the population of the region has kept his business profitable through turbulent times.

  • weekly currency update  we 4th may 2012

    weekly currency update we 4th may 2012

    Despite the winds of change rattling across Europe last week, the euro managed to resist any significant change, while sterling continued to creep up Moneycorp takes you through last weeks currency moves

  • regulation takes root

    regulation takes root

    Helen Burggraf explores how the financial crisis has encouraged regulators around the world to re-examine consumer protection and how advisers are increasingly feeling the pressure.