Profiles & Comment

  • Blockbuster or Netflix

    Blockbuster or Netflix

    It’s not whether to change but when, says Axa Wealth Intl’s Simon Willoughby, as he takes a look at the more long term impact of the Retail Distribution Review.

  • FCA in circles over simplified advice

    FCA in circles over simplified advice

    FCA chief Martin Wheatley has stressed the need to “square the circle of selling complex products to so-called unsophisticated investors”, but are we really any clearer on the shape of things to come?

  • Little acorn to mighty oak

    Little acorn to mighty oak

    OakTrees Ian Brady says careful backtesting and research enables the boutique to hit above its weight.

  • Swimming upstream

    Swimming upstream

    Manager of the M&G Optimal Income Fund, Richard Woolnough, discusses why he is bucking the recent bearish trend on the bond market, visiting but not living in equities and how he would deal with interest rates if he found himself running a central bank.

  • keep calm and carry on key commitment

    keep calm and carry on key commitment

    A little over a year after MBMG opened for business, the building housing our offices burned down. Luckily, we were quickly back on our feet again but since then, we’ve always ensured that we have business continuity plans.

  • Jupiter expands its universe

    Jupiter expands its universe

    After taking up the baton of Jupiter CEO from Edward Bonham Carter, Maarten Slendebroek, together with executive director Kevin Scott, is driving the global side of the business in what Slendebroek terms an ‘evolution, not revolution’ of Bonham Carter’s style.

  • Walking the talk a profile of Continental Group

    Walking the talk a profile of Continental Group

    A 20-year veteran of the UAE market, Ashok Sardana of Continental Group is in a prime position to capitalise on the regulatory shake-up that is transforming the state of play.

  • Taking life to the next level An interview

    Taking life to the next level An interview

    In his first year as CEO for Zurich Global Life’s Middle East operation, Jawed Barna has wasted no time in capitalising on the multitude of opportunities in this still largely untapped region.

  • Street wise Intermediary profile of Javelin Wealth

    Street wise Intermediary profile of Javelin Wealth

    Lined on both sides by expensively restored and maintained 19th century shophouses, Amoy Street, on the northeast edge of Singapore’s Chinatown district, is the kind of picturesque, olde-worlde avenue so beloved of visitors to the otherwise mostly modern and bustling city-state.

  • Wealth and safety Asset allocator with RBC Wealth

    Wealth and safety Asset allocator with RBC Wealth

    David McFadzean of RBC Wealth Management on favouring the long game

  • From moment to moment Fund distributor

    From moment to moment Fund distributor

    Julian Kramer of BNP Paribas Investment Partners has weathered many a storm in recent years. Now he is focused on keeping his teams on the ground and his eye on offering the right product at the right time.

  • A classic tail wagging the dog scenario

    A classic tail wagging the dog scenario

    Perhaps one of the key things we have all learned over the last few years is to be more aware of the risks we take. And rightly so.