
  • Q3 2015, a turning point for what's next

    Q3 2015, a turning point for what’s next

    The third quarter of 2015 will be seen as a turning point in what has been one of the most volatile and downright challenging quarters since the global financial crisis of 2008. The question is, will this turning point provide the global economy the chance to regroup and continue on its upward trajectory, or will…

  • Emerging Markets and Sell in April and go away?

    Emerging Markets and Sell in April and go away?

    Equity markets are beginning to recover from their April correction with Europe and United States stock markets increasing over May. Historically most market corrections take place from May through to October, while most market upward trends take place during November through to April. Hence the famous market saying, “sell in May and go away”. This…

  • Castlestone Buy-Write Strategy

    Castlestone Buy-Write Strategy

    Castlestone’s Equity High Yield & Premium Income Fund strategy focuses on low volatility. Defensive stocks that pay high dividends and this has proved to be successful since launch.