Huge decline in number of new managed portfolio launches
Just five launches have been reported to Morningstar this year
Just five launches have been reported to Morningstar this year
It will be run by Newton IM’s Paul Flood
They ‘conspicuously failed to provide diversification benefits’ in 2022
As the stock market re-kindles its love of growth
As Morningstar warns investors on their trade-offs
They tend to be more highly correlated with equities and high yield bonds
Head of multi asset at Liontrust does not believe it is the end for 60/40 investing
Company has been official representative of Fidelity International since November 2022
It will be available in jurisdictions across Europe and Asia
Strategies are defensive, conservative, growth and maximum growth
Global Multi-Asset range will have a maximum cap of 0.22%
Range will be available for UK financial advisers from June