Tax & Regulation

  • swiss reach agreement on way for its banks

    swiss reach agreement on way for its banks

    The Swiss government said today that it had reached agreement on proposed legislation that would enable the country’s banks to comply with requests by US authorities for information in connection with their tax evasion investigations.

  • french legal document suggest personal

    french legal document suggest personal

    A France-based partner with the Spectrum IFA Group has found what she believes is proof that the French authorities do not expect foreign personal pension schemes with France-resident beneficiaries to report to them on these schemes’ holdings, as is now being required of other types of trusts.

  • malta retirement scheme body report info

    malta retirement scheme body report info

    All Maltese pension providers and administrators should meet a 17 June deadline to file an information disclosure document with the French tax authorities on behalf of “any French-resident beneficiaries”, according to a Maltese pension scheme association.

  • model taxpayer charter for fair tax system

    model taxpayer charter for fair tax system

    Three professional bodies representing more than half a million tax advisers worldwide have produced a Model Taxpayer Charter of taxpayer rights and responsibilities intended as a blueprint for what a good tax system should contain.

  • america wakes up to fatca

    america wakes up to fatca

    US institutions and individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the existence of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which received little media coverage in the States until a US senator earlier this month introduced a bill to repeal certain of the act's provisions, arguing that they infringed "upon basic constitutional rights".

  • new us offshore tax evasion legislation

    new us offshore tax evasion legislation

    The latest attempt by US lawmakers to crack down on Americans who have offshore income they do not report stands a good chance of being signed into law within months or even weeks people who are monitoring the situation in Washington say.

  • nigel green launches attack on toxic fatca

    nigel green launches attack on toxic fatca

    DeVere Group’s chief executive Nigel Green has heavily criticised the American government’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act in an interview with a US based news organisation.

  • confusion for advisers qrops admins over

    confusion for advisers qrops admins over

    A new French law that appears to require pension fund trustees to report to France’s tax authority on UK personal pensions that have French tax-resident beneficiaries is causing confusion among financial advisers and pension fund administrators.

  • jersey considers codifying key trust rule

    jersey considers codifying key trust rule

    Jersey is reported to be considering enshrining in law key provisions of Hastings-Bass, a popular UK rule that has been used for years to unwind mistakes by trustees that otherwise would end up costing their clients money.

  • lux pushes for clarification pre sign eu deal

    lux pushes for clarification pre sign eu deal

    Luxembourg’s finance minister is holding up the EU’s planned agreement on the sharing of tax information between member countries, according to media reports.

  • guernsey signs dta with luxembourg

    guernsey signs dta with luxembourg

    Guernsey has signed a Double Taxation Agreement with Luxembourg, giving the crown dependency a total of eight full DTAs to date.

  • Australia set to sign treaty with switzerland

    Australia set to sign treaty with switzerland

    Australia is to sign a new tax treaty with Switzerland "at the earliest opportunity" as its government joins others around the world in making long standing bank secrecy arrangements more transparent.