SWIP launches GEM funds and UK active extension product in Sicav
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (Swip) has launched four funds into its Luxembourg Sicav, three with emerging market strategies and the fourth a UK equity 140/40 portfolio.
Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (Swip) has launched four funds into its Luxembourg Sicav, three with emerging market strategies and the fourth a UK equity 140/40 portfolio.
Britannia International, the Isle of Man-based offshore subsidiary of what is now known as the Co-operative Bank, has launched a second issue of its six-year Guaranteed Capital Bond, and an eighth iss
Sales of overseas-domiciled funds in the UK market leapt in July, the Investment Management Association(IMA) reported, touching their highest monthly total since it began publishing data in 2007.
Friends Provident International (FPI) has launched a protection plan that aims to provide Hong Kong residents with insurance against the financial consequences of premature death, terminal illness, cr
Vistra, the Geneva-based international trust and corporate services provider with roots and offices in London and Jersey, has sold a majority stake to IK Investment Partners, a Scandinavian private eq
Single premium offshore bond business into the UK collapsed in the second quarter of the year, falling 56% compared the same period in 2008, according to figures released by the Association of British
Friday will be payout day for savers hit by the collapse of Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander (Isle of Man).
Depsitors caught by last Octobers collapse of the Isle of Mans branch of Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander will receive their first dividend from the banks liquidator next Friday.
Hong Kong insurance brokers and intermediaries are scrambling to meet a September 30th compliance deadline for new guidelines aimed at boosting the protection of consumers buying insurance products.
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), which regulates Hong Kong’s stock and futures markets, has declared that insurance intermediaries and brokers do not require an SFC investment advisers’ li
HSBC launches its first European exchange traded fund tomorrow, which will be Dublin-domiciled and listed on the London Stock Exchange.
Advisers have urged HMRC to clarify details of the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF), amid claims tax cheats could switch assets to the principality to secure less punitive treatment than under