Pack the Eurocrats off to India
FECIF chairman Vincent Derudder says EU bureaucrats could do with a lesson in democracy
FECIF chairman Vincent Derudder says EU bureaucrats could do with a lesson in democracy
Riverstone Distribution Services’ Mark Alexander says offshore funds must tick the right boxes
Integral AM’s Nick Dewhirst explains how the current cycle correlates with those of the past.
The Engage Partnership’s Chris Davies says advisers who tackle the RDR head-on will prosper
KNEIPs Damien Coméliau explains the challenges of introducing Key Investor Information Documents.
During the five years that Linda McLaren used to travel to some of the riskier corners of Africa on business, on behalf of the financial service products suppliers she then worked for, she used to tell people she would meet during the course of her travels that she was there “visiting friends”.
Holborn Assets Robert Parker says QROPS has all the hallmarks of a big mis-selling scandal.
Richard Musty, MD of Lloyds TSB Middle East, says Dubai expats are in the mood to save
The UK FSAs RDR is likely to have a significant impact on offshore businesses says Sarah Lord.
Fecif’s Vincent J Derudder asks advisers to get more involved in regulation sweeping the industry.
Tax disputes expert, Matthew Greene describes the reality of tax prosecutions in the UK.
Ashburtons Tristan Hanson looks at how macro sentiment is undermining the positive fundamentals.