Higher cash rates should not sway investors from multi-asset – Iboss
Advisers report clients querying the merits of risk assets over cash
Advisers report clients querying the merits of risk assets over cash
Two thirds of an AlphaReal survey said that reform of legislation, including the Solvency II directive, supports greater allocation
Recent PFS/CII controversy has left some assessing their options
As the industry continues to shift from DB schemes to alternative retirement income strategies
Changes in regulation and Brexit have put an increasing amount of pressure on advisory and wealth businesses
It has opened up the possibility of having a choice of jurisdiction
Values have plummeted making retirees think twice about switching
‘The journey so far has had a few more twists and turns than many in the industry would have liked’
‘Portfolio balance is crucial – don’t have all your eggs in one basket’
But they still performed better than the broader market
Equities and bonds no longer seen as safe havens when recession fears increase
Expect volatility throughout the summer and beyond, Liontrust says