
  • the acuma deal in nigel greens own words

    the acuma deal in nigel greens own words

    There has been much speculation about the purchase by deVere earlier this year of UAE wealth adviser Acuma. Here deVere CEO Nigel Green explains the deal.

  • have you considered peer to peer finance

    have you considered peer to peer finance

    Peer-to-peer lending is becoming a serious investment asset class, and financial advisers should be taking note, says Christian Faes co-founder of LendInvest.

  • a tough nut to crack

    The challenge for advisers post-RDR has not been restricted to fee disclosure. The creation of a profitable, long-term service proposition to add ongoing value for clients has been the greater test

  • regaining trust just how complicated

    regaining trust just how complicated

    Just how should the financial services industry go about restoring the public's faith, in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis? Guardian Wealth's David Howell considers the problem…

  • next stop the world

    next stop the world

    Two high-profile acquisitions in recent years have helped Henderson Global Investors to broaden its horizons. Here, Steven de Vries and Greg Jones explain why the company is now an asset management force to be reckoned with.

  • shifting sands

    shifting sands

    The days of the all-expenses-paid expat lifestyle are gone, and shorter stints abroad have also become the norm. This has necessitated a shift in thinking for expatriates' wealth planners, Coutts's Gary Dugan points out.

  • are passives set to dominate

    are passives set to dominate

    The largest fund in the world is now a passive fund. The Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund now sits at $251bn, moving ahead of Bill Gross's Pimco Total Return Fund. The inexorable rise of passive funds has long been a trend in fund management, but is its dominance now assured?

  • big is beautiful for international advisory firms

    big is beautiful for international advisory firms

    deVere’s Peter Hobbs explores the benefit of size in the challenging offshore advice market.

  • the death after service dilemma

    the death after service dilemma

    More than ever before, people are switching employers and even countries of residence during their careers and in the process, accruing basketsful of often very different pension entitlements with each employment. Czech Republic-based adviser Chris Lean and legal expert Howard Chapman take a look.

  • lending to uk agricultural based businesses

    lending to uk agricultural based businesses

    Prestige Asset Management’s Craig Reeves looks at alternative lending.

  • gold tumbling like it is 1982

    gold tumbling like it is 1982

    Gold has had torrid time of late, but is it about to change?

  • fatca in laymans terms

    fatca in laymans terms

    The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) has made waves in the upper reaches of the funds industry and caused concern to banks, custodians, insurance companies and trustees, but little news regarding its impact has yet spread to the wider world. Few ultimate clients of the international finance industry have yet heard of it.