
  • Jupiter expands its universe

    Jupiter expands its universe

    After taking up the baton of Jupiter CEO from Edward Bonham Carter, Maarten Slendebroek, together with executive director Kevin Scott, is driving the global side of the business in what Slendebroek terms an ‘evolution, not revolution’ of Bonham Carter’s style.

  • Wealth and safety Asset allocator with RBC Wealth

    Wealth and safety Asset allocator with RBC Wealth

    David McFadzean of RBC Wealth Management on favouring the long game

  • From moment to moment Fund distributor

    From moment to moment Fund distributor

    Julian Kramer of BNP Paribas Investment Partners has weathered many a storm in recent years. Now he is focused on keeping his teams on the ground and his eye on offering the right product at the right time.

  • A classic tail wagging the dog scenario

    A classic tail wagging the dog scenario

    Perhaps one of the key things we have all learned over the last few years is to be more aware of the risks we take. And rightly so.

  • putting people at the centre

    putting people at the centre

    The daunting task of planning a business model across several jurisdictions was made simpler for Guardian Wealth Management thanks to its client-focused approach. Success comes from acknowledging the people behind the transactions.

  • fasten your seat belts the eu Parliament elections

    fasten your seat belts the eu Parliament elections

    There seems to be little doubt, as April comes to an end, that the European Parliamentary elections next month will see the unhappiness of millions of EU citizens with their MEPs expressed in a dramatic way at the ballot box.

  • New rules of engagement

    New rules of engagement

    The UAE has undergone a regulatory revolution in recent years, placing its finance sector under increased pressure. The industry has reacted positively, and these changes are now paving the way for a more professional environment, according to leading figures from some of the largest asset management companies in the region

  • the extension of the kid to insurance

    the extension of the kid to insurance

    Developed to make the process of buying funds simpler for investors, Key Information Documents are to be brought into the insurance arena. David Howell asks whether it can work.

  • what is the future for qrops advice

    what is the future for qrops advice

    James Caldwell, of the UK advisory firm Aisa Professional, and Christopher Lean of Opes-Fidelio, Aisa’s global network arm, look at what the Budget changes will mean for QROPS.

  • the inspectors are coming to your door

    the inspectors are coming to your door

    Friends Provident Internationals Taher Fakhri explains why inspections could soon be an everyday occurrence for advisers in the UAE in the second of a two-part feature explaining the new Insurance Authority laws.

  • what you need to know about the new

    what you need to know about the new

    In the first of a two-part feature, Friends Provident Internationals Taher Fakhri explains why you will need more cash, more people and more qualifications to run a brokerage in the UAE…

  • blazing a trail remuneration in singapore

    blazing a trail remuneration in singapore

    As the Financial Advisory Industry Review (FAIR) comes into force, a move away from upfront commission means building strategies for trail-based remuneration. By creating fresh incentives this is looking like a good deal for advisers and clients alike By Ian Pryor.