ANALYSIS: Woodford’s bold move puts pressure on whole industry
The peers of star UK fund manager Neil Woodford have once again been caught off guard by a bold move from Britain’s best known investor.
The peers of star UK fund manager Neil Woodford have once again been caught off guard by a bold move from Britain’s best known investor.
In the first of a new series of three independent reviews of international life products, Brian O’Neill, consultant at Isle of Man-based actuary and consultancy firm Boal & Co, puts the spotlight on RL360°’s regular savings product called Quantum.
Call it symptomatic of the summer lull but, with so much debate centred on cost, genuine product innovation seems to have taken something of a back seat.
Despite a mixed picture for inflation globally, investors remain content to err on the side of the central banks, but something has to give soon.
In the latest instalment of a focus on business transition principles, Mike Leeson takes a look at the pivotal role investment planning plays in helping to build a sustainable, centralised process.
The first half of 2016 was the first time investment has been the largest component of gold demand for two consecutive quarters. Should this leave gold bugs feeling vindicated or afraid?
The half year numbers out from three of the UK’s largest insurance companies over the past few days illustrate the increasing importance of backing the right asset management horse.
The imaginary Warrington family face further wealth and succession planning issues in this, the third article by Edward Stone, partner at Irwin Mitchell Private Wealth.
The ultra-loose monetary policy pursued by central banks since the financial crisis has implied an unprecedented fall in discount rates, which has led to a massive front-loading of returns: not only for bonds, but also for equities. Does this mean you should take your profit now and sell?
When I was a child my school clothes were often too big for me. My mother would buy them like that on purpose with the knowledge that I would grow into them eventually.
Talk of a 0% fee for passive investing is an enticing prospect, but as core funds become cheaper so groups are encouraged to over-complicate the satellite.
With global growth slowing and developed-market government bonds at a record low, fixed income managers are focusing on opportunities in spread sectors.