NRI landlords on the radar for tax liability
Tenants in India told to deduct tax and remit to government directly
Tenants in India told to deduct tax and remit to government directly
Fatca, the Internal Revenue Service and double taxation are causing headaches for Americans abroad
As rates hit a nine-year low, further falls are also expected to fuel a rethink on investments
An expanding pool of rich people is drifting out of reach of financial advisers and wealth managers
Oil production, non-oil sector and CPI growth revised down as government woos foreign money
UAE’s long-term visas to generate new breed of investor
While upbeat on market prospects, advisers also foresee a market correction before a big rally
Square Mile flags significant lack of awareness and understanding of product suitability rules
Non-resident Indians prefer more liquid investment assets with higher yield
The second in a series of personal insights from Continental Group’s founder and managing director
European parliament deemed favourable regimes ‘discriminatory’ against member state’s citizens
Non-resident Indian real estate in home country projected to hit $18bn by 2020, from $10.2bn in 2018