Canadian advice tech firm enters UK market

To help advisers cater to the increasing demands of clients


Canada-based financial planning software provider Conquest Planning has set up shop in the UK.

It aims to help financial advisers improve efficiency and enhance client engagement through technological tools.

The firm added that it sees an opportunity in the UK, where “traditionally, over 90% of the British population hasn’t had access to a financial plan”.

Mark Evans, founder, president and chief executive of Conquest Planning, said: “After tremendous early success, modernising advice delivery for over 15,000 advisers in Canada, we are excited for the opportunity to bring Conquest Planning to the UK.

“When building Conquest, the ability to support multiple geographies was a priority, as access to financial advice is a global challenge.

“Our AI approach to advice provides financial advisers with a powerful, yet intuitive platform to build and manage financial plans. Consumers in the UK have a greater need for advice than ever before, and we intend to empower advisers to efficiently deliver upon that need.”


As part of its launch, Conquest has partnered with Fidelity International, which will be the exclusive distributor of the Canadian firm’s financial planning software to the UK advice market.

Conquest Planning will be available to UK intermediaries through Fidelity Adviser Solutions.

Jackie Boylan, head of Fidelity Adviser Solutions, added: “‘Conquest Planning’ has the potential to transform the way advisers engage with their clients, and ultimately the way they do business. The software offers an innovative approach to financial planning at the click of a button, helping advisers to build plans faster and more efficiently.

“By creating a consistent framework for delivering robust financial plans, it improves the efficiency of client reviews and provides advisers with the opportunity to help more people benefit from advice and potentially engage with new clients, as well as review how they operate as a business.

“We’re hugely excited to partner with Conquest following its success in Canada, and as it embarks upon its launch in the UK. Its solutions have the potential to change the way financial services companies operate and partnering with the team to deliver Conquest Planning to the UK advice market is a significant step for Fidelity Adviser Solutions. We look forward to working together with them and our clients to develop the solution over the coming months.”