Britannia launches new issue of its Guaranteed Capital Bond

Britannia International has launched a new issue of its Guaranteed Capital Bond, which will pay a fixed return of up to 5% a year over six years provided the FTSE does not fall below 75% of its starti


Britannia International has launched a new issue of its Guaranteed Capital Bond, which will pay a fixed return of up to 5% a year over six years provided the FTSE does not fall below 75% of its starting level. That value will be taken at the close of trading on 4 September 2009.

The minimum investment for the bond, which is being marketed to investors through intermediaries, is £5,000.

The bond may be withdrawn early if oversubscribed, Britannia International, the Isle of Man-based offshore arm of The Co-operative Bank plc, said.

Britannia International managing director Mark Beresford said the Guaranteed Capital Bond is aimed at people who “may be feeling cautious about investing directly in the stock market” in the current economic climate, and who therefore would be attracted by the idea that their original investment would be protected even if markets were to perform poorly.

Full details of Britannia International’s latest guaranteed capital bond may be found at, by calling +44 (0) 1624 624455, or by emailing