BNP Paribas IP adds multi-asset EM income fund

BNP Paribas Investment Partners has launched its first multi-asset income fund focusing on emerging markets.

BNP Paribas IP adds multi-asset EM income fund


The Parvest Multi-Asset Income Emerging is a sub-fund of Parvest Ucits V Sicav, an open-ended investment company incorporated under Luxembourg law.

The fund aims to meet client demand for alternative sources of income and those wishing to increase their emerging market exposure.

It aims to target stable and regular income by allocating across emerging market asset classes and regions. Exposure will be to equities, local sovereign debt, external sovereign debt, corporate debt, currencies, and commodities.

It is managed using a top-down, macro-based fundamental active asset allocation process, combined with bottom-up active security selection at the asset class level.

Income a scarce commodity

Colin Graham, chief investment officer of multi-asset solutions at BNPP IP, said: “In the current environment of sustained low interest rates and negative government bond yields, income is an increasingly scarce commodity and emerging markets can offer attractive higher-yielding investment opportunities.

“Market dispersion has risen of late, meaning that not all emerging markets are equal. The emerging markets universe consists of multiple asset classes, each with different risk and return profiles and different behaviours, depending on the economic cycle.

“By combining our established multi-asset income capabilities with the first-hand knowledge and understanding of emerging markets that our strong local presence gives us, we are able to identify what we consider to be the most attractive income opportunities from across these asset classes in order to meet the needs of our clients.”