Best Practice Adviser Awards – European Entries Announcement

Entries are coming to a close for Europe


In September, International Adviser will be holding the 2019 Best Practice Adviser Awards for Europe.

Now in its fourth year, the awards are designed to recognise financial advisers within the industry that are making, or have made, the transitions towards best practice. European entries are closing on 14 June 2019 – so please don’t delay with your entry!

You can enter your firm in any of our 11 categories, by supplying 1,000 words detailing why you should win.



The International Adviser Best Practice Adviser Awards are open to all authorised adviser firms in the relevant region. Advisers can enter multiple categories for each region’s awards and they are free to enter. Please note that you can enter as many categories as you wish but in order to enter the Best Adviser Firm, you must enter at least one other category.

We suggest you should use your opening paragraphs to explain your reasoning as to why you deserve to win. When answering each of the bulleted points in each category, tell a story that backs this up.

Judges will be looking for the ideas, skills and passion that have enabled your business to grow.  They will also be looking for some foresight and the bigger picture of your overall direction.

To give you a head start, International Advisers’ Editor, Kirsten Hastings, has given her five top tips on entering the Best Practice Adviser Awards. You can view the video by clicking here.



If that isn’t enough motivation to get you ready to write your entry, our judges have also provided their top tips on entering, and what they’ll be looking for in an entry. Click here to take a look.

If you have any questions on entering, or need some guidance, please send an email to and we can provide assistance.

International Adviser brings you the Best Practice Adviser Awards in partnership with Old Mutual International.