Belgian robo-adviser joins forces with financial news media

A Belgian robo-advice firm is combining financial news with a portfolio builder to give readers access to investment opportunities.


Financial technology start-up Swanest develops intelligent investment tools for private investors.

Instead of collaborating with a bank to bring it to market, Swanest opted to focus on business media instead.

Belgian publisher Mediafin is the first business to integrate Swanest’s ‘Investment Assistant’ on the websites of its business newspapers De Tijd and L’Echo. After reading about a company or trend, investors are able to click through to Swanest to explore ways in which to invest in them.

“Traditional robo-advisers sell pre-made model portfolios, which is very similar to what financial advisers or banks do. However, investors often want to build their very own investment strategies,” explains Silvan Schumacher, chief executive of Swanest.

“This ability to build, analyse and manage portfolios, consisting of any stocks, ETFs or funds, is what makes us unique.

“We’ve been approached by several banks, asset managers and brokers for partnerships. However, our mission has always been to empower investors and remain independent in the guidance we provide. Quality publishers share the same values,” adds Schumacher.

Frederik Delaplace, chief executive of Mediafin, said: “The digitisation brings challenges but also opportunities to the news media industry. Offering independent and high-quality data and insights to the investors’ community is a goal Mediafin and Swanest share, which is why we chose to embark on this adventure.”