Barclays Cap launches FTSE 100 linked structured products

Barclays Capital has launched two structured products providing protected exposure to the FTSE 100 Index, for use within both offshore and UK onshore life insurance wrappers.


Barclays Capital has launched two structured products providing protected exposure to the FTSE 100 Index, for use within both offshore and UK onshore life insurance wrappers.

Barclays is offering the Four Year Protected Digital Deposit Account, which it said was for for investors unsure of the direction of the FTSE.

The product returns the full capital invested on maturity, regardless of the performance of the index, plus a 24% coupon if the index is at least as high on 3 March 2014 as it is on 1 March 2010. 

For those investors more confident about market performance and seeking a longer-term product, Barclays is offering the higher risk Six Year Protected Twin Opportunity Deposit Account.

In addition to the full return of capital on maturity, the product offers a 30% coupon if the index is at least as high on 1st March 2016 as it is on 1st March 2010 and a further 24% coupon if the index is up 24%, or more, over this same period, offering a total potential return of 54%.

“We continue to see strong demand for protected products – combining the security of full capital protection with potential enhanced returns is a balance many investors are looking for,” said David Macdonald, director, Barclays Capital.

"For investors who are attracted to this combination the products we provide via our Structured Deposit Series for Offshore Bonds, offer an exciting opportunity.”

The products are available from most offshore life bond providers, predominantly in the Isle of Man, Dublin and Channel Islands and both have a minimum investment of £50,000.