European PE investor buys Ascot Lloyd
It is currently owned by US firm Oaktree Capital Management, which bought Sanlam UK in 2021
It is currently owned by US firm Oaktree Capital Management, which bought Sanlam UK in 2021
But customer numbers continue their upward trajectory
As Square Mile report shows the hunt for income is becoming less of a priority
It is available to female savers with at least £500,000 of investable assets
Quilter Investors’ CEO Steven Levin called on the government to scrap the ‘illogical’ rule last year
Making the ‘PoweredBy’ Brewin Dolphin strategies more accessible to international IFAs
Customers will incur higher fees
It highlights why they ‘remain ill-suited to the daily dealing expected from Oeics’
IFA sales are expected to be lower for financial year 2022
Company acquired Tavistock’s £1bn multi-asset arm in June 2021
PE firm made the merger with Smith & Williamson possible after regulatory concerns were raised
There will be no change to the pension administration fees