Changing of the guard
Robbie Lawther is promoted to editor of International Adviser, as Kirsten Hastings takes her leave
Robbie Lawther is promoted to editor of International Adviser, as Kirsten Hastings takes her leave
A deal which will take AuM to more than £7.5bn
As private equity firm get regulatory nod to take majority stake in Boston Multi Family Office
It was launched in April 2021 at the cost of 0.79% per annum
Marking its first platform investment in the UK
The acquisition includes the Asia business but not US-based InvestmentNews
Four bad apples trying to avoid paying appropriate compensation for unsuitable advice turn out to be at least 15
As it appoints Hymans Robertson and Defaqto to oversee allocation and risk profiling
Which will support advisers in meeting Consumer Duty requirements
Amid simmering tensions with the PFS as members look to jump ship to rival professional bodies
SCA’s sudden shift applies to public offerings only – private ones are not affected
The full closure could take up to two years