Asset manager unveils ESG fund for Malaysian retail investors

It provides access to companies in Europe, Australasia and Far East


UOB Asset Management has rolled out an ESG fund for Malaysian retail investors.

The United ESG Series-EAFE Plus Fund primarily invests in equities issued by companies involved in the healthcare and information technology revolutions, as well as the transition to renewable energy sources.

These companies also have ESG considerations integrated into their business models and practices.

“The EAFE Plus Regions’ investment environment is compelling and offers long-term potential for Malaysian investors who are looking for growth opportunities,” said Lim Suet Ling, chief executive of UOBAM (Malaysia).

“The fund will broaden investors’ access to leading global companies outside the US, which are emerging digital innovators in the technology industry, are enduring consumer brands and are scaling up through digitalisation. These companies are typically very under-represented in global portfolios.”

The fund portfolio consists of 20 to 35 growth companies which include businesses that are disruptors to the main sectors of the Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country World Index Ex-US.

It invests a minimum of 90% of its NAV in equities and equity-related securities in the EAFE region including emerging markets while the balance in liquid assets such as money market instruments and deposits.

The fund is managed by Baillie Gifford and has a management fee of 1.8% per annum.

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