Are investors overlooking Africa?

While the continent ‘hasn’t marketed itself well’, there is investment potential


People should not “taint Africa with one brush”, Bronwyn Corbett told International Adviser.

The chief executive of Grit Real Estate Income Group is urging people not to view the bad press and political instability of some countries as representative of the whole continent.

“There are 54 countries in Africa, and states like Morocco, Botswana and Mauritius have very stable markets and are politically stable too.”

But Corbett added that “Africa hasn’t marketed itself necessarily well”, and that is because it’s always been perceived as a “high risk, high reward” place.

She believes that there are long-term investment and growth opportunities for investors around the world.

“It’s a great alternative investment for people that are looking for growth out of these markets, because they are so undeveloped.”


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