appointment of hmrc head lin homer raises

A senior group of MPs has raised serious concerns about the appointment of former border agency head Lin Homer to lead HM Revenue & Customs in January last year.

appointment of hmrc head lin homer raises


The Commons’ Home Affairs committee said in a report published today, it was “astounded” at Homer’s appointment to chief executive and permanent secretary at HMRC at “what is a challenging time for that organisation”. It added that the appointment raises “serious concerns about the accountability of the most senior civil servants to Parliament”.

Homer was in charge of the UK’s border agency for around five years, during which time the Home Affairs committee said the Agency “repeatedly misled” it over the size of its asylum case backlog, adding that Homer “still refuses to take responsibility for her failings”.

In its report, the Home Affairs committee said it is “shocking that after five years under Homer’s leadership, an organisation that was described at the beginning as being ‘not fit for purpose’ should have improved its performance so little”.

It added: “Given this background, we are astounded that Ms Homer has been promoted to become chief executive and permanent secretary at HMRC and can therefore have little confidence in her ability to lead HMRC at what is a challenging time for that organisation.”

The committee added that the case highlights the need for a serious discussion over the possibility of introducing a veto for MPs on the appointment of very senior civil servants.