Aegon targets low volatility investors

Demand for low-volatility investment products is set to grow, Aegon said on Wedesday, as pension changes see an increase in retirees choosing drawdown and investors burned in the financial crisis remain cautious.


On the back of this belief, the group has launched the Aegon Stability Fund, which it hopes will provide investors with the ability to minimise losses when volatility is high, while at the same time continuing to offer steady growth.

The fund holds an equal mix of four funds: Fulcrum Diversified Core Absolute Return, the Jupiter Strategic Reserve, Newton Global Dynamic Bond, and Kames UK Equity Absolute Return and has a total expense ratio of 0.87%.

According to Nick Dixon, investment director at Aegon, the four holdings were carefully selected because they have: “ that the group said have been “carefully selected” because they have: “complementary risk/return profiles, high levels of liquidity, and investment strategies which focus on minimising market losses”.

He added: “The diversification provided by blending these four managers reduces risk while offering the prospect of growth in excess of cash over the long term”.

The fund targets a return in excess of three month LIBOR.