Advice firms launch organisation to tackle sustainability issues

With mental health in the workplace being chosen as initial engagement focus


A select group of advice firms have formed the AdviserAction organisation to engage with companies on sustainability issues.

Facilitated by CCLA, the founding members which include Castlefield, Clear Financial Advice, ESG Accord (Accord Initiative), Fintel PLC, Kellands Chartered Financial Planners, Lyndhurst Financial Management and Paradigm Norton will engage with the listed companies to drive sustainable outcomes.

The organisation intends to advance clients’ interests in improving sustainable outcomes and helps advisers participate in corporate engagement.

Members will able able to select a number of issues or specific companies on which to conduct engagement.

AdviserAction will also provide tools to achieve transparency and visibility to increase members’ knowledge of sustainable finance issues.

Mental health

The organisation has chosen to focus on mental health in the workplace as its initial engagement focus.

It has signed the CCLA-convened Global Investor Statement on Mental Health, and will lead engagement with Frasers Group and IBM on this issue.

According to CCLA these firms have been chosen as they are currently rated the lowest tier of the CCLA Mental Health Benchmark which objectively assesses how listed companies approach and manage workplace mental health.

To read more on this, visit: Companies continue to increase mental health awareness – CCLA IM

Chief executive of CCLA Peter Hugh Smith said: “With the final rules on the FCA’s Sustainability Disclosure Requirements now published, we believe engagement is more important than ever as a way that investors can encourage companies towards sustainability improvements and make a noticeable difference, whatever the size or scope of their portfolio.

“This initiative will, for the first time, empower independent financial advisers to speak on behalf of their customers to the firms they ultimately invest in, and to participate in working towards a better world.”