Accidental Americans fundraise for latest lawsuit

They need around $200k to fund lobbying and legal costs to overturn citizenship-based taxation


The Association of Accidental Americans (AAA) has issued a call to action to its supporters as it seeks to raise funds to launch another lawsuit against the US.

This time the AAA is looking to challenge the American citizenship-based taxation model.

The system, AAA president Fabien Lehagre explained, sets that taxation is based on where an individual was born rather than where they reside; meaning that they are bound to pay taxes if they are a US citizen even if they do not live or have never lived in the country.

This directly impacts American expats and ‘accidentals’ – those who have inherited US citizenship from their parents or acquired it by being born in the US but have never lived in the United States.

As part of its push, the association is looking to raise around $200,000 (£165,700, €186,400) which will be used to fund the legal costs but also to pay for lobbying and public affairs firms to accompany their efforts in the courts.

An email template is also being shared prompting US expats and accidentals to forward it to anybody who might be affected by this.