Abu Dhabi finance centre to share information with Mauritius

The regulator of the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), the UAE’s new international financial centre, has signed an agreement with the regulatory authority in Mauritius to strengthen cooperation and facilitate the exchange of information.

Abu Dhabi finance centre to share information with Mauritius


The MoU between the Mauritius Financial Services Commission (Mauritius FSC) and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FRSA) of ADGM, which was signed in December, provides a framework for the two regulators to provide mutual assistance, exchange regulatory information and co-operate in supervision of cross-border establishments.

P.K. Kuriachen, acting chief executive of the Mauritius FSC, said: “This MoU represents our mutual endeavour to bridge the gap further with the Middle East countries.

“We anticipate close collaboration and fruitful interactions for the betterment of our Authorities.”

Richard Teng, chief executive officer at FSRA, said: “We are pleased to continue our efforts in establishing closer collaboration with global authorities to bolster the high regulatory practice and standards in our respective jurisdictions.

“We look forward to working closely with the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius to strengthen relationship further, share regulatory experience and insights and bolster the growth of financial services in both markets.”