A third of advice firms eyeing 2019 global expansion

International Adviser research lifts the lid on what firms are planning for the coming year

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Competition across Europe and Asia could be about to get a lot tougher if the 33% of respondents to International Adviser’s annual Adviser Pulse survey make good on their plans to expand their businesses internationally.

Of the respondents from across the globe that answered the question “In the next 12 months do you intend to expand your business internationally / beyond your current location?”, a third confirmed that they have plans to do so.

Other options included “No, we have no such plans” and “No, we already operate internationally“.

Source: Last Word Research

Dream destinations

Advisers choosing the “Yes, we have plans to expand” option were also given the opportunity to state which jurisdictions were of interest – with most of the respondents identifying more than one location.

The two regions generating the most interest were Asia and Europe, closely followed by Africa and the Middle East.

India and China were the only two Asian countries to be specified by name; while Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Ireland were flagged up by those interested in Europe.

South Africa was named as a key jurisdiction by half of the respondents planning to expand across the continent, while the UAE and Gulf Cooperation Council region were name-checked by the advisers eyeing a foothold in the Middle East.

Of scant interest, however, were the UK, South America and Australia.

Taking the pulse

In October 2018, International Adviser sent out a survey to our readership, asking advisers from across the globe key questions about their plans for the coming year.

Around a fifth of respondents were based in the Middle East, with a similar number in the UK. There was also strong representation from advisers in Europe and Hong Kong.