Jersey sees post-AIFMD growth in

The number of funds notifying the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) of their intention to privately place into Europe under AIFMD rules has now surpassed 150.

Jersey sees post-AIFMD growth in


JFSC figures showed that a total of 164 funds had opted to make use of Jersey’s private placement route into Europe.

57 alternative investment fund managers also confirmed their authorisation under Jersey’s AIFMD private placement regime.

However, the figures also show that the UK remains a key market for Jersey managers, with 28 out of 32 indicating that they intended to market into the UK.

Under Jersey’s AIFMD framework, managers can gain regulatory approval to market into Europe through a range of different options depending on the type of fund being established.

Chief executive of Jersey Finance, Geoff Cook, said: “These figures for Jersey provide strong evidence that its private placement route is being warmly received by the market as an attractive, flexible, robust and cost-effective option.

“The expectation is that Jersey’s approach will become even more attractive thanks to the certainty it brings and the speed of authorisation the regulator can offer.”

He added that Jersey Finance anticipates an uptick in fund servicing business from European managers, who now have “considerably more complex” AIFMD reporting requirements.

Ben Robins, chairman of the Jersey Funds Association, said: “The fact that managers are primarily intending to target the UK market is not surprising, given Jersey’s strong links with the UK.

“In fact, we have seen a spike in recent months in the number of high value private equity and real estate and real estate and infrastructure funds being routed through Jersey into the UK.”