Schroders adding emerging market fund to its GAIA Ucits platform

Schroders is adding a second fund to its Luxembourg-domiciled GAIA hedge fund platform.


London-based Sloane Robinson is a privately-held long/short equity manager with experience in emerging markets. 

The new GAIA Sloane Robinson Emerging Markets fund will launch on 30 June.

As reported, Schroder’s GAIA (Global Alternative Investor Access) platform was unveiled in November to give investors easier access to hedge fund expertise. New Finance Capital, a fund of hedge funds manager owned by Schroders, looks after it. The first fund on the new GAIA platform was a long/short equity fund managed by Egerton Capital.

The new fund will be managed by Sloane Robinson’s emerging markets team, headed by Richard Chenevix-Trench, who is the firm’s chief investment officer and manager of its existing emerging markets and Asian portfolios.

In a statement, Chenevix-Trench noted that platforms like Schroders’s GAIA platform have become “increasingly popular" among investors "looking to combine the return profile of hedge fund strategies with the liquidity, transparency and regulatory stability of Ucits”.

Sloane Robinson

Founded in 1993 by Hugh Sloane and George Robinson, Sloane Robinson had assets under management at the end of March of around $8.2bn (£5.5bn, €6.5bn). Approximately two-thirds of its assets are held in emerging markets.

The firm’s flagship emerging markets fund has a 14-year track record and has delivered annualised returns of 25% since launch in 1996, according to Schroders.

More information on the new fund may be obtained by calling Schroders at 44 (0) 207 658 6000.


Name: Schroder GAIA Sloane Robinson Emerging Markets
Domicile: Luxembourg
Minimum investment: $5,000  (share class A)
Type of fund: long/short open-ended Ucits III hedge fund
Investment management fee:  2.00% (share class A)
Distribution fee: none
Performance fee:  20% of the outperformance over BBA Libor USD 1 Month Act 360, subject to a High Water Mark  (share class A)
Launch date: 30 June 2010
Manager: Sloane Robinson’s Richard Chenevix-Trench and team
Benchmark: unconstrained (at a country, sector and market exposure level)