Armajaro launches commodity hedge fund

Armajaro Asset Management is launching its fourth Cayman Island-domiciled commodity hedge fund for the institutional offshore market


Armajaro Asset Management is launching its fourth Cayman Island-domiciled commodity hedge fund for the institutional offshore market.

The Armajaro STS Commodities Fund is a trend-following commodities fund which invests in liquid exchange traded commodity derivatives including base and precious metals, energy and soft commodities.

Since April 2007 the strategy has been allocated 5% of the assets of the existing Armajaro Commodities Fund and has delivered approximately 25% since its inception.

It is managed using a proprietary systematic programme (the Armajaro STS Commodities programme) which has been developed by Will Griffin, portfolio manager of the Armajaro STS Commodities Fund.

The fund has a minimum investment of $100,000 and offers only a USD share class. The annual management charge is 2% and there is 20% performance fee.

Armajaro CEO Richard Gower said: "We are extremely pleased to announce the launch of the Armajaro STS Commodities Fund which provides investors with an opportunity to gain pure systematic, diversified commodities exposure.

“The Armajaro STS Commodities programme has been running within the Armajaro Commodities Fund for over three years and has a strong, proven track record.”