phoney adviser convicted in hong kong

A person who purported to be the founder and chief executive of a licensed corporate advisory company in Hong Kong has been convicted by a local court and fined.

phoney adviser convicted in hong kong


Simon Littlewood was found guilty by the Eastern Magistracy of conducting conduct corporate finance and asset management business without holding a licence from the Securities and Futures Commission. He was fined HK$5,000 and ordered to pay the SFC’s costs.

According to a statement released by the SFC, the court was told that as well as claiming to be chief executive and founder of fictional company, Golden Bridge Merchant Bank, Littlewood had also created a website on which he claimed that the company had conducted a “number of corporate finance transactions and had an office in Hong Kong.”

The SFC told the court that Golden Bridge had not conducted any corporate finance transactions and that the address it gave was “just a business centre”.

According to reports on the internet, Littlewood was, or claims to have been, qualified as a chartered accountant while working for PriceWaterhouseCoopers and since worked at HSBC, BDO Stoy Hayward and Impax Capital.