AES International joins FEIFA

AES International has become the latest firm of advisers to join the FEIFA.


With AES International now joining its ranks, FEIFA now boasts over 200 adviser members from across Europe and a number of partnerships with providers such as Friend Provident International, Armstrong Investment Management and Pen Tech.

Having expressed concerns that FEIFA would be another trade body which would be set ‘up only to then fade away or be divided by in-fighting or hidden agendas, Instone said he finally decided to join the federation after meeting with its CEO Paul Stanfield. “I was recently quoted as expressing concerns that FEIFA would simply be another such entity,” said Instone.

“Once I met with Paul, however, and saw that FEIFA’s intentions were both valid and achievable, I felt we should support this trade body and try to assist it in whatever ways we can. Even for a company of our size, the federation can potentially provide additional services and an excellent forum for professional IFAs to contribute to and benefit from.”

FEIFA also said it was currently completing due diligence on a number of further membership applications having received a surge in interest of late.

Launched in August last year, the federation was established to represent English-speaking IFAs based or operating on the Continent.