hermes bolsters asia presence

Hermes Fund Managers has appointed Jakob Nilsson as director of business development for Asia.

hermes bolsters asia presence


Nilsson has relocated to Singapore to take the newly created position, vacating his previous role as director for business development for the Nordic region.

Meanwhile, Johan Stromberg has taken Nilsson’s former role in the Nordic region and Antonis Maggoutas has joined as sales manager covering Germany and Austria

On the appointment of Nilsson to director of business development for Asia, Harriet Steel, global head of business development at Hermes Fund Managers, said: “Hermes has had a presence in Singapore for some time and Jakob’s appointment is a significant step in placing Hermes firmly at the centre of this dynamically evolving market. As a company, we have seen rapid growth over the last two years, and expanding our sales presence in Asia is a natural progression."