‘Dividend funds are a contrarian buy’ says equity income fund manager

Dividend strategies have a better long-term record than in the recent short term, so is now the time for the dividend worm to start turning?


After three years or more of poor yields relative to their growth fund peers, Kirill Pyshin argues now is the time to look forwards at dividend funds that, proven over the long term, are the better performers.

Given the dearth of dividend-paying stocks available, he admits that because investors are generally looking at the same companies to provide the dividends, their stock prices are being pushed artificially higher.

He also argues that because dividend strategies have under-performed recently, their long-term record suggests this is short-lived so, contrarian or not, now is a time to look at dividend funds. 

Pyshkin runs a high income fund, so does this mean his is an even more contrarian buy? Listen here to find out…


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