former dfsa chief tasked with setting

Abu Dhabis new financial centre has appointed Jan Bladen, former chief operating officer of the Dubai International Financial Centres regulator, to oversee its launch.

former dfsa chief tasked with setting


The Abu Dhabi Global Market is a financial free zone currently being established in the capital and Bladen, according to local reports, has been tasked with overseeing the construction of its three main pillars: the registrar, the regulator, and the courts.

Local publication, The National, said the appointment had been made by Ahmed Al Sayegh, chairman of the freezone and also deputy chairman of Abu Dhabi Media, owner of the newspaper itself.

The National quoted Al Sayegh as saying: “We are delighted to have Jan Bladen to take forward the development of Abu Dhabi Global Market as he has a wealth of experience and a proven track-record.

“He is ideally suited to address our key priorities which are to develop the legal, regulatory and operational platforms that will provide the foundation for the growth of the Global Market.”

Bladen had been the longest serving member of the executive board of the Dubai Financial Services Authority, having been a member since 2005 when the DFSA was launched. He began work in Abu Dhabi at the beginning of this month.