iif to open dubai office

The Institute of International Finance will open a Dubai office in recognition of the city’s globally increasing financial status.

iif to open dubai office


Wolfgang Engel will be IIF’s chief representative in the office, moving from director of global membership for IIF in Washington.

The institute said its Dubai office will provide a dedicated service to its members in the city.

“The Middle East and Africa will play a larger role in the global financial system moving forward and IIF is committed to serving our growing member base,” said Tim Adams, IIF president and chief executive officer.

IIF said Engel will lead efforts to strengthen relationships with members in the region to identify and address the most important issues from their perspective. He will also increase engagement with the official sector.

He was previously a member of the management committee at Société Generale, in charge of the Financial Institutions Groups in Germany and Austria.

He has also held positions at BNP Paibas, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, the Asian Development Bank and JP Morgan.

On his appointment, Engel said: “Over the last several years, IIF has put a larger focus on the region, and the opening of our regional office will allow the Institute to better serve our members.”

The IIF has nearly 500 members from 70 countries. Within its membership it counts leading global banks, insurers, pension funds, asset managers, and sovereign wealth funds.