john dacey to leave axa group

John R Dacey, a member of Axa Group’s executive committee and vice-chairman for Asia Pacific, is to leave the company at the end of August.

john dacey to leave axa group


Axa did not say where Dacey was going, or provide any other details about his departure.

In a statement, Axa chairman and chief executive Henri de Castries thanked Dacey for his contributions to the company, "in particular, for the instrumental role he played in the success of the Axa Asia Pacific Holdings transaction" in 2011. This was a complex deal that saw AMP Ltd, one of Australia’s largest asset managers, acquire all of Axa’s Australian and New Zealand businesses, including the iPac wealth management franchise in Australia.

As reported, MP did not take the Hong Kong and Singapore iPac operations, which subsequently were shut down by Axa.

Dacey, who is based in Paris, was appointed to Axa’s executive committee in 2007, when he was also named group regional chief executive for Japan Asia Pacific, described at the time as being a region encompassing all of AXA life and savings and property and casualty.

A native of the US, Dacey has a Masters in Public Policy from the John F Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He came to Axa in 2007 when Winterthur, where he was a member of the executive committee, was acquired by the French insurance giant.

Dacey began his career at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1986, and joined the consultancy firm McKinsey & Co in 1990.

He went to Winterthur in 1998 as head of corporate development and planning, later becoming CFO of its Credit Suisse subsidiary.