BlackBerry ban will significantly impact IFA business

IA readers say a ban on the use of BlackBerrys in the Middle East will affect their business there.


In the last few weeks an intended ban on using the hand-held email device has been announced by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, with Saudi imposing a ban as early as today.

The two states have said they believe the devices are a security threat because of the encrypted network they employ. There are indications other Gulf States may follow suit, and that bans could also be implemented in other security-conscious countries around the world.

Whether or not the true reason for the ban is security or simply protection measures is not clear. What is clear, though, is that International Adviser readers feel the ban is likely to impose on their ability to conduct their business effectively.

According to the poll, which is still open, 79% of readers believe the ban will affect their business “very much”, while a further 8% believe it will “a little”.

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