nigel green launches attack on toxic fatca

DeVere Group’s chief executive Nigel Green has heavily criticised the American government’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act in an interview with a US based news organisation.

nigel green launches attack on toxic fatca


In the interview, Green is asked why he has previously described FATCA as "toxic and damaging" and welcomed senator Rand Paul’s decision to introduce a bill to repeal parts of the act on the basis that it goes too far forcing foreign governments to act as defacto Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents. 

Green said: “People haven’t thought through the consequences of what this is going to do. On the surface, it intends to go and find people who are evading tax, but actually it doesn’t achieve that and it causes, if you’re thinking very logically, a whole series of problems.

“Companies that invest in America [will find under FATCA] that it becomes much, much more expensive to do so. When companies decide, as many are, that they don’t want to invest in America because of the cost factor, obviously that affects the American economy and that affects jobs.”

DeVere has been stepping up its promotional activity in recent months, posting a series of videos on to its YouTube channel – including one pubished last week in which Green heavily criticised those who blog negatively against his company. Click here to watch the video.

International Adviser has also interviewed Green, click here to watch Mark Battersby discuss commission with the chief executive.