infinity financial founding director blair

One of the three founding directors of the Asia-based Infinity Financial Solutions advisory group has left the business and sold all her shareholdings in all of the Infinity companies to the two remaining directors and fellow founders.

infinity financial founding director blair


Judy Blair co-founded Infinity in 2004, along with Trevor Keidan and Ben Bennett. Until now she has been based in Bangkok.

Blair is relocating to New Zealand, where she plans to spend more time with her family, according to a statement released yesterday by Infinity.

She will, however, continue to look after her “global clients” and provide training at Infinity offices, although the company does not plan to open an office or maintain a formal advisory presence in New Zealand, Keidan, the managing director, said.

He stressed that Blair’s departure, while sad for those who will no longer work on a daily basis with her, could be seen as a measure of the success of the nine-year-old business, to the extent that she was “able to exit in a profitable way”, in what was said in the statement announcing her departure to have been a “significant multi-million-dollar deal”.

Infinity Financial Solutions currently has offices in six key Asian cities. In addition to Bangkok and Hong Kong, where its two main administrative offices are located, these include Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai, Phnom Penh and Ho Chi Minh City.

As unveiled here in August,  Infinity has an arrangement with the London-based Bestinvest wealth management firm to exclusively represent Bestinvest’s range of investment portfolios and discretionary management services throughout Asia.

To read a profile of Infinity, click here.